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We diagnose and treat patients with immune system disorders.

Immunology is the study of all aspects of the immune system. It deals with things like:

  • physiological functioning of the immune system in health and disease
  • malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders
  • physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the immune system.

A healthy immune system defends the body against disease and infection.

What we do

We provide a high quality immunochemistry service to diagnose and monitor patients with:

  • primary (genetic) and secondary (environmental) immunodeficiencies such as HIV
  • lymphoproliferative disorders, for example, certain types of leukemia and lymphomas
  • monoclonal gammopathies, for example multiple myeloma
  • chronic infections.

We also offer a full range of diagnostic autoantibody tests diagnose:

  • rheumatoid disease
  • lupus
  • vasculitis
  • chronic renal and lung disease
  • neurological syndromes and bowel disorders.

Our team provides a responsive service for allergy testing. We manage all requests for lymphocyte markers and functional cellular assays, along with sample collection for cryoglobulin detection.

Laboratory opening times 

Our laboratory opens 5 days a week from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 


Stoke Mandeville Hospital 
Stoke Mandeville Hospital 

01296 315323