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We care for patients who have had a stroke and may face potentially long-lasting difficulties.

A stroke is a life-threatening condition that happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.

Strokes are a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential. The sooner someone gets treatment for a stroke, the less damage is likely to happen.

If you suspect someone’s having a stroke, phone 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance.

The symptoms of a stroke begin very suddenly. Find out what symptoms you should look for. 

About our Stroke Department

We’re based at Wycombe Hospital. We have a dedicated Stroke Unit which means patients receive the best possible care in one environment specifically planned around their condition. This helps improve their rehabilitation by allowing them to get to know staff and feel more supported during their time in hospital.

We also have a dedicated Cardiac Care and Stroke Receiving Unit for patients who need urgent treatment.

Our facilities include a day room, therapy area and relatives room.

We see patients who need initial investigation, treatment and care immediately following a stroke. We also care for patients who need rehabilitation and work with a number of services across the hospital including physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

What type of treatment will I need?

This will depend on what caused your stroke. Either:

  • a blood clot blocking the flow of blood to the brain (ischaemic stroke)
  • bleeding in or around the brain (haemorrhagic stroke)

Find out more about the different types of treatment you may need.

Effective treatment of stroke can prevent long-term disability and save lives.

We also create a patient portfolio for you, your family and carers with information, advice and a personal record to help with your recovery when you leave hospital.

Early Discharge Stroke Service

We help patients who have had a recent stroke to return home from hospital as soon as possible. Our team supports you with ongoing care and rehabilitation after you have been discharged. We only discharge you from hospital when you’re medically ready and have the appropriate equipment and support in place.

We are a team of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists. We work with you for up to 6 weeks, creating a treatment plan based on specialist assessment and your rehabilitation goals.

If you still need help after 6 weeks, we’ll refer you to one of our community based services to continue your rehabilitation.

Information for healthcare professionals:

Healthcare colleagues in neighbouring NHS trusts are kindly asked to fill in our referral form when referring patients into our service .

Community Neuro Rehabilitation Service

Our Community Neurological Rehabilitation Service provides specialist rehabilitation for people with a neurological diagnosis who have a Buckinghamshire GP.  Our team is made up of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists, Rehabilitation Assistants and Speech and Language Therapists and administrative support.  We offer a flexible approach to rehabilitation and tailor it to meet your needs. We provide online group education programmes, face to face group rehabilitation and telerehabilitation, as well as one to one therapy sessions at our sites in Amersham and Aylesbury.  Find out more about our service. 

Stroke patient information

Find out all about our Stroke Unit

Further information and guidance

The Stroke Association provides accurate and accessible health information for stroke survivors, carers, friends and family:

The following local and national organisations provide lots information and guidance that can be helpful to you if you’re recovering from a stroke.



  • Age UK  – Charity supporting older age adults
  • Alzheimer’s Society – Charity supporting people with Alzheimer’s and their carers
  • Dementia UK – charity supporting individuals living with dementia and their carers
  • Different Strokes – support for younger stroke survivors
  • Disabled Living – Helpline with advice and practical solutions to support individuals living with disability and their carers
  • Headway – Charity supporting individuals living with brain injury and their carers
  • Mind – National Mental Health Support Charity
  • The National Aphasia Association – Charity supporting individuals with aphasia and their carers
  • The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy – Information about physiotherapy, including “Physio2u” directory where you can find local private physiotherapists who specialise in stroke.
  • Royal College of Occupational Therapists – Information about OT, including directory where you can find local private OTs who specialise in rehabilitation
  • Regional Driving Assessment Centre (RDAC) – A charity providing assessments and advice for people with medical conditions, disabilities and additional needs wishing to return to driving
  • British Red Cross – Local wheelchair hire, help at home after a hospital stay, and support with loneliness
  • Shaw Trust – Charity supporting individuals to remain in work or return to work following disability
  • ShopMobility UK – A network of local ShopMobility centres which hire mobility scooters, powerchairs and wheelchairs.

The Stroke Association has created a series of videos that provide exercises for stroke survivors | Stroke Association

Video on use of boxia drop foot AFO



Video on use of boxia drop foot AFO with shoeless insert



Video on use of Neuro-lux shoulder support


Main Trust switchboard
Stroke secretaries
Main Trust switchboard

01296 31 5000

Stroke secretaries

01494 32 4720

See also…