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We care for patients with stomach and intestinal problems.

We treat patients with long term conditions who need ongoing treatment and management, as well as those who may need surgery or screening.

We treat the full range of gastrointestinal disorders including:

What happens you’re referred to Gastroenterology

We’ll send you a letter for an appointment with a gastroenterology consultant or a member of our team. They’ll discuss your condition with you. You may need tests or further investigation to diagnose you accurately before they recommend and begin treatment.

Nurse specialists and dieticians run some of our clinics. We can do some of our follow up appointments over the phone.

We run gastroenterology clinics at Amersham, Stoke Mandeville and Wycombe hospitals.

We may need to admit you to hospital if you need an operation. Our inpatient ward is at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

In some cases, you may need more specialised treatment.

If you need surgery and have complex needs, a specialist team of physiotherapists and occupational therapists work with the ward discharge coordinator, ward doctors and nurses to plan your discharge from hospital.

Our services


An endoscopy is an internal investigation of your stomach and bowel. It allows us to accurately diagnose gastrointestinal disorders.

We do more than 10,000 endoscopic procedures every year as outpatient day cases.

We also perform therapeutic endoscopic procedures including:

  • removal of bowel polyps
  • dilatations of esophageal strictures
  • insertion of feeding tubes
  • insertion of stents
  • relieving jaundice by removing gallstones or stenting pancreatic tumours.


A gastroscopy is a procedure where we use a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope to look inside your oesophagus (gullet), stomach and the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). It can help us to investigate problems and diagnose conditions including:

We also use gastroscopy as a treatment for certain conditions, for example to provide nutrients via a feeding tube and widen a narrowed oesophagus.

Watch a short video which explains what to expect from a gastroscopy.



A colonoscopy is a test to check inside your bowels. A long, thin, flexible tube with a small camera inside it is passed into your bottom.

You’ll be given a laxative so your bowels are empty for the test.

The test can help us to diagnose what’s causing your bowel symptoms including:

We can also use a colonoscopy to remove growths in your bowls (polyps) which we’ll then test. Your results will tell you if you need any further tests or treatment.

Watch a short video which explains what to expect from a colonoscopy.



We discuss patient cases at weekly multi-disciplinary team meetings to discuss the best treatment for your individual circumstances.

We treat oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver and colon cancers.


We assess and treat patients with hepatitis C with antiviral drugs at a dedicated weekly clinic at Amersham Hospital.


Malnutrition regularly accompanies gastrointestinal disease. We work closely with the dietitian team as well as a consultant-led multidisciplinary team that manages nutritional problems (including intravenous nutrition) for hospital inpatients.

Gastroenterology patient information


Outpatient appointments
Gastroenterology secretaries
Endoscopy units
Inflammatory bowel disease nurses
Outpatient appointments

01296 315653

8.30am to 5pm

Gastroenterology secretaries

01296 315299

Stoke Mandeville Hospital

01494 425267

Wycombe Hospital


Endoscopy units

01296 315175 / 01296 315220

Stoke Mandeville Hospital

01494 425073

Wycombe Hospital


Inflammatory bowel disease nurses

01494 425267

Wycombe Hospital

01296 315299

Stoke Mandeville Hospital