Speech, language and communication
You may need support with your speech, language and communication because of:
- brain injury, for example, stroke, traumatic brain injury
- progressive conditions, for example, motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s disease, dementia
- cancer, for example, brain tumours
- dysfluency (stammering).
How we suppport you
We may see you:
- in hospital if you’re already an inpatient
- at one of our outpatient clinics
- at a care home
- in your own home.
Hospital patients
The medical teams will make referrals for hospital patients.
In the community
A GP or healthcare professional can make a referral.
Care homes
Staff at care homes and nursing homes can refer to us directly.
Useful links for speech, language and communication support
Contact us
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Wycombe Hospital
Community, GP or care home referrals
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
01296 838920
Wycombe Hospital
01494 323540
Community, GP or care home referrals
01494 323440