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Parkinson’s service

Information for people who have recently received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s from their Neurologist

What is Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition for which there is currently good treatment, but no cure. The symptoms most associated with Parkinson’s are tremor, rigidity (stiffness) and slowness of movement. Sometimes thinking can be affected. Not everyone with Parkinson’s experiences the same combination of symptoms – they vary from person to person. There are about 40 different motor and non-motor symptoms in total but no-one experiences them all.

Parkinson’s is caused by the gradual loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Why these cells die is not fully understood, but researchers believe that it may be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Treatment of Parkinson’s is based on replacing the missing dopamine using medication, which serves to mask the symptoms.

Exercise has a vital role in maintaining your abilities and may even slow the progression of the condition.

Many people have difficulty maintaining a positive outlook immediately after being diagnosed. These feelings usually pass but if they persist please get help from your GP or Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist.

Many people with Parkinson’s adapt to lead active and fulfilling lives. An important part of coping with Parkinson’s is understanding how it affects you individually, working around your symptoms and managing your condition as best you can with the support of specialist healthcare professionals and local voluntary organisations.

Support with your condition

The Bucks Parkinson’s Service is here to support you in a range of different ways.

Your neurologist and Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist will help you to monitor your symptoms and adjust your medication.

Our team of physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists and dietician can help you to maximise your abilities if/when you need them.

In the weeks following your diagnosis you will receive notice of a future appointment from the Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist who will assess your individual needs and refer you on to other services if required.

The Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist will also signpost you to a range of exercise groups, gyms and support groups available through the voluntary sector.

Top tips for managing Parkinson’s

  1. Keeping physically, mentally and socially active helps you to stay positive
  2. Regular exercise is a vital part of the treatment for Parkinson’s
  3. Eating a healthy diet and having good sleep habits will help your symptoms
  4. Take your medication on time as directed by your GP or Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist
  5. Parkinson’s symptoms do not suddenly get worse. If you experience this contact your GP or Parkinson’s Nurse for advice. The most common reasons for this are infections, constipation or stress/anxiety
  6. Always bring an up-to-date list of your medications to every hospital appointment or if admitted to hospital bring your medication with you
  7. Seek support: there are many types of help (see below), so find the support which suits you best.

Who to contact

Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Parkinson’s UK – national charity

Advice and support groups

Amersham and Wycombe branch of Parkinson’s UK
Find out more or call 0300 030 4667

Aylesbury branch of Parkinson’s UK
Find out more

Chinnor – Live well social group
Call Mandy French 07701 099458 or email

Parkinson’s cafés
These are monthly, informal gatherings, in a coffee shop, for anyone affected by Parkinson’s.

Chilterns Neuro Centre
A local charity based in Wendover which supports people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s and stroke survivors.
Call 01296 696133 or email

First Steps
A 2-day course run by Parkinson’s UK for newly diagnosed people to meet and discuss their diagnosis with others.
Call 02079 639381 or email

Healthy Minds Bucks
For advice on managing anxiety, depression and stress.
Call 01865 901600 or visit their website