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t Trust Board Summary: 26 April 2023

A summary of discussions that took place during the Board meeting held on Wednesday 26 April 2023.





Description Outcome



Chief Executive Report



Chief Executive Officer

An update on key developments during March 2023 both nationally and locally, in line with the Trust strategic priorities.

The efforts of teams supporting compliance with the end of year target for long waiting elective patients was commended, both clinical and non-clinical colleagues. Thanks were also given to the finance team for preparation of end of year accounts and the 2023- 24 budget under significant time pressure.















Committee Chair Reports












Committee Chairs

Update from the Non-Executive Director Chairs from April Board Committee meetings. These include a summary of key items discussed with escalation to Board as appropriate:

–          Finance & Business Performance Committee – a summary of the meeting was provided highlighting risks related to the annual financial plan for 2023-24 and length of waits for some community services.

The Committee Terms of Reference were approved by the Board.

–          Quality & Clinical Governance Committee – teams were congratulated with level of compliance against the NEWS CQUIN target. A summary of discussions related to the IPR was provided and the need for greater focus on lapsed clinical guidelines was highlighted.

The Committee Terms of Reference were approved by the Board.

–          Charitable Funds Committee – a summary of the meeting was provided including approved bids.

The Board approved the Management of Charitable Funds Policy and approved the move to a multi-asst investment fund which has a positive sustainability rating and would support the overall net zero strategy of the Trust.










Assured / Approved See narrative




Integrated Performance Report (IPR)




Chief Operating Officer

Monthly reporting on Trust performance metrics and progress with actions/progress with actions to address negative variance.

Reporting defined by NHS System Oversight Framework, BHT Strategic Priorities and the 2022/23 Operating Plan.

Focussed discussions took place related to ambulance handovers noting the importance of improvement ahead of winter months, the maintenance of a steady Hospital Standardised Mortality Rate (HSMR) and improvement in statutory/mandatory training compliance (89.5%) and the overall Trust turnover rate (12.5%).









Transformational Initiatives for the Operating Plan



Chief Digital Information Officer

Summary of the Trust’s medium term strategic goals and areas of focus and the transformation priorities for 2023-24.

Whilst internal plans are in place to deliver these, the impact of possible external factors was recognised (e.g. ongoing industrial action).

The clarity of the document was commended and the Board discussed the importance of maintaining a relentless focus on the quality of services as well as the length of elective long waits.







Monthly Finance Report





Chief Finance Officer

Update on financial position at M12 including headline position, divisional forecasts and capital, balance sheet and cash flow analysis.

The Board were informed the Trust reported a year end deficit of

£14.27m against the modified plan of £14.3m.

The Capital Plan had also been achieved (£20.6m against the plan of £20.7m).

Congratulations were offered to the finance team for preparing the year end accounts and operational teams for supporting the achievement of the target deficit plan for 2022-23.










2023-24 Budget Submission




Chief Finance Officer

Summary of the budget and financial plan for the Trust for 2023-24.

The Board approved a £22.6m deficit plan and a budget of £28.4m capital plan.

The plans were acknowledged to be challenging. Regular monitoring would continue by EMC, F&BPC and the Trust Board. A continued focus on productivity was highlighted as key for 2023-24.






Private Board Summary Report Trust Board Business Manager Summary of matters discussed at the Trust Board meeting in private in March 2023  
