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v Quality Account 2020-2021

Image of Quality Account 2020-21 front cover

The Quality Account is an annual account to the public about the quality of services that we provide and deliver, and our plans for improvement. This report is designed to assure our local population, our patients and our commissioners that we provide high quality clinical care to our patients. The Quality Account includes our high-level priorities for the coming year and an assessment of our performance last year.

In a year where the World Health Organisation declared the rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus outbreak a global pandemic, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust had one main goal: to protect the most vulnerable, keeping its patients and colleagues safe.

The Quality Account for this extraordinary year reflects the incredible hard work of our people in helping us to achieve this goal. It includes feedback from our stakeholders on how well they think we performed.

The publication of this document is one of the ways in which we can share our evidence on the quality of care we provide to our patients.

Your Feedback

If you have any comments or suggestions on this Quality Account, we welcome your feedback. Please contact Ms Karen Bonner, Chief Nurse, by email at: