PIF Categories: diabetes - paeds
Sick day guidelines for a child with diabetes
If you suspect your child may be unwell Make sure you always have a good supply of the following: Blood ketone test strips for use with a blood ketone meter(check […]
Making changes to insulin doses: ten top tips
Information for parents of children with diabetes and their families Guidance To keep blood glucose (BG) levels within range while you/your child grows, you will need to change insulin doses […]
Complications of diabetes explained
All of these complications can sound very frightening. However, it is important that you know about them, because the risk of getting any or all of these complications can be […]
Sick day rules for children and young people with diabetes
Information produced in association with the Thames Valley Paediatric Diabetes Network For children with diabetes and their families Sickness is an unavoidable part of everyday life. When you are ill […]
Information for parents with a child newly diagnosed with diabetes
Children’s diabetes team Wycombe Hospital Team: 01494 425353 Stoke Mandeville Hospital Team: 01296 315159 Email: buc-tr.paedsdiabetes@nhs.net EMERGENCIES – For advice regarding an unwell child or if recently diagnosed with diabetes […]
Smoking and diabetes (and how to stop)
Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health. But it’s even more important not to smoke if you have diabetes. That’s because smoking can cause many of the same problems […]
Health for girls with diabetes
As a girl or young woman with diabetes there are a few things related to puberty and periods which are important to consider. Puberty and diabetes Puberty (- the time […]
Dental advice for children & young people with diabetes
Dental Care is very important and an essential part of good health. Having Diabetes means that problems with teeth and gums can be more common especially if you have high […]
Drugs and diabetes
Many young people feel tempted to try illegal drugs at some time or another. However, they can cause serious health damage and even death. There are also heavy penalties for […]
Contraception advice for young people with diabetes
There is a lot of inaccurate advice given about contraception. As a young person with diabetes or the partner of someone with diabetes, you may hear more than most. If […]