Birth reflections service
Birth reflections provides an opportunity for you to talk about your birth experience following the birth of your baby and to explore your thoughts and feelings with a midwife.
Please complete our online form to request an appointment with a member of our birth reflections team.
- Once a self-referral form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirming receipt, and advising on the estimated wait time.
- You will be contacted by the Birth Reflections Midwife to arrange a date/time/location that suits you by email/telephone – if we do not receive a response within 21 days we will presume you no longer require an appointment.
- Your Birth Reflection appointment can only be re-arranged once. Due to a limited number of appointments available per week, you will be required to re-submit a self-referral form should you cancel your re-arranged appointment.
We suggest waiting up to six weeks after delivery to give yourself time to process what happened and we can offer you an appointment up to a year after the birth.
Buckinghamshire Maternity Neonatal Voices Partnership
Consisting of local parents, midwives, doctors and health visitors, the team represents you and your family and makes sure your voices are heard.
You can share your feedback anonymously.
If you want to make a complaint, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Talk to our PALS team about your experience and all aspects of your care in our hospitals, including compliments, complaints and feedback.