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Myosure hysteroscopic procedure

Read our guide below about the myosure hysteroscopic procedure.

You can also download a PDF version of this patient information by following the link on the right.

What is a myosure hysteroscopic procedure?

It’s a procedure to remove small polyps (skin tags) and fibroids (small smooth muscle lumps) on the inside of the womb. Myosure is a small device inserted into a hysteroscope (a small telescope) that is passed into the uterus via the cervix.

The procedure helps to look at the the polyps and fibroids and treat them.

What are the benefits of a myosure procedure?

Removing small fibroids and polyps can improve symptoms of irregular and/or heavy periods or postmenopausal bleeding, and  rule out any abnormalities.

You won’t need any stitches, or need to stay in hospital overnight.

Most patients can return to normal activities within a day or two.

What happens before the procedure?

You’ll need to do a pregnancy test to confirm you’re not pregnant before we do the procedure.

You can have the procedure if you have heavy and/or irregular menstrual bleeding on the day, but we may postpone if the bleeding is too heavy and obstructs the view inside the womb.

If you’re bleeding on your appointment day or are expecting to do so, call us on the number below and we’ll explain what you need to do.

You may eat and drink as normal and, if possible, take 2 Paracetamol tablets (500mg) or 400mg of Ibuprofen 1 to 2 hours before the procedure.

What happens during the procedure?

A small speculum will be inserted into your vagina, so that the person doing the procedure can see the neck of the womb (cervix).

You’ll have a local anaesthetic in your cervix to pass the hysteroscope into your womb and through the cervix. The myosure device will pass through the hysteroscope to remove the polyp(s) or fibroid(s).

The whole procedure takes about 15 to 20 minutes and you’ll be able to watch on a small screen if you want to.

What happens after the procedure?

You’ll normally be able to go home shortly after the procedure. If you get any tummy cramps your doctor will advise you to take some pain relief. Usually either 2 Paracetamol tablets (500mg) every 6 hours or Ibuprofen 400mg every 8 hours.

We would also reommend that for the duration of bleeding immediately after the procedure you:

  • take showers rather than baths
  • avoid swimming and sexual intercourse for 2 weeks
  • use sanitary towels instead of tampons.

Call your GP, phone NHS 111 or go to your local emergency department if you:

  • have an unpleasant vaginal discharge
  • have a temperature over 37.5C
  • become unwell.

What are the risks?

These may include:

  • tummy cramps during or after the procedure
  • vaginal bleeding
  • feeling sick, dizzy or faint
  • uterine (womb) perforation which can, although very rarely lead to damage to the bladder, bowel or internal blood vessels
  • infection of the womb which usually responds well to antibiotics
  • too much absorption of fluid which may need treating with drugs and overnight monitoring.
  • failure to access the womb and /or to remove the polyp or fibroid. Your doctor will advise you about further management.

Are there any alternatives to the myosure procedure?

Yes. Despite having a polyp or fibroid, you may decide not to have any treatment.

Or. we can remove your  polyp and/or fibroid under a general anaesthetic with hysteroscopic resection.

Your gynaecologist will discuss these options with you.

How can you help reduce healthcare associated infections?

Infection prevention and control is important to the wellbeing of our patients and have appropriate procedures in place. Keeping your hands clean is an effective way of preventing the spread of infections. If you need advice or further assistance, contact our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) on 01296 831120 or

About our patient information

This leaflet is intended as general information only. We aim to make the information as up to date and accurate as possible, but please note that it’s subject to change.
Always check specific advice on any concerns you may have with your doctor.


Surgical Assessment Unit
Surgical Assessment Unit

Ward 15, Stoke Mandeville Hospital

01296 315000