Concerns, complaints and compliments
Find out more about how to express your views about your hospital care. For all concerns, complaints and compliments please follow the advice below.
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust aims to provide high quality care and services for our patients. We want to know when things go well and also help you when you have any concerns or questions about your treatment. Here you’ll find out about the different ways to contact us if you have any concerns, complaints or compliments.
If you have a concern about your care or about any aspect of our service, please speak to the member of staff who is with you at the time. They may be able to resolve your concerns straight away.
If the staff member is unable to assist you, your first point of contact is the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
PALS is a confidential service; we will not share any information you give us without your permission.
PALS is an informal service which:
- acts as a central contact point where you can obtain a wide range of information about the NHS and other services
- is a confidential service; we will not share any information you give us without your permission
- aims to resolve any concerns or problems you have as promptly as possible
- by listening to your views and comments, will aim to instigate changes to improve our services
- if you feel your concerns have not been resolved satisfactorily, will guide you through the Trust’s complaints process and provide you with information about external independent services who can assist you if you wish to make a formal complaint.
PALS can be contacted by:
- Phone: 01296 831120
(please use the answerphone as messages are regularly accessed during the day and we aim to reply by the end of the next working day). - Email: email us at
- Visit: PALS offices are situated at:
Stoke Mandeville Hospital – Our office is above the restaurant at the main entrance - Writing: please send a letter to:
PALS, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Mandeville Road, Aylesbury HP21 8AL
To make a complaint you can:
- Write to the Chief Executive, Trust Offices,
Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Mandeville Road,
Aylesbury HP21 8AL - Email:
- Call complaints on: 01296 831130
The Trust will acknowledge your letter within
three working days and aims to provide you
with a full response within 25-40 working days.
We will advise you if it is likely to exceed this