Advice following a cervical biopsy
Read our guide below about what you should do after having a cervical biopsy.
You can also download a PDF version of this patient information by following the link on the right.
What is a cervical biopsy
It’s when a small piece of tissue from the lower part of your womb (your cervix) is removed and examined in a laboratory.
Why do I need one?
Healthcare practitioners can often make a diagnosis by viewing your cervix using a colposcope. Sometimes they need to do a biopsy to help with your diagnosis.
What can I expect after my cervical biopsy
You may have:
- some spotting (slight bleeding) for a few days
- period type pain or cramps in your tummy following the biopsy. Take paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain relief.
You can shower from the next day.
You should:
- avoid sex and use tampons until the discharge stops to allow the area to heal
- call your GP if you notice increased pain, an unpleasant discharge or continued bleeding.
When will I get the results of my biopsy?
You should get a letter with the result and advice about any recommended follow up within 4 weeks.
If you don’t get a letter by then, call the colposcopy secretary (see contact details below).
If you have any concerns
Always check specific advice on any concerns you may have with the Colposcopy Nurse (see contact details below). The nurse may be in clinic and unable to speak to you. If so, other staff will take a message and the nurse will call you back when available.
How can I help reduce healthcare associated infections?
Infection prevention and control is important to the wellbeing of our patients so we have procedures in place. Keeping your hands clean is an effective way of preventing the spread of infections.
You, and anyone visiting you, must use the hand sanitiser available at the entrance to every ward before coming in and after you leave. You may need to wash your hands at the sink using soap and water. Hand sanitisers are not suitable for dealing with patients who have symptoms of diarrhoea.
More help or advice
Contact our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) on 01296 316042 or
About our patient information
We aim to make the information as up to date and accurate as possible, but please note that it’s subject to change. You must always check specific advice on any concerns you may have with your doctor.
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