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Advice after a HALO procedure for haemorrhoids

Read our guide below to help you understand what to expect after a HALO procedure for haemorrhoids.

You can also download a PDF version of this patient information by following the link on the right.

Information for National Spinal Injury Centre patients

You’ve been booked to have an operation to reduce the flow of blood to your haemorrhoids. This involves placing stitches around the blood vessels to reduce bleeding
and swelling, and treating the protrusion by securing (anchoring) your bowel lining.

This is called a Haemorrhoid Artery Ligation Operation / Recto Anal Repair (HALO/HAL-RAR).

As there’s no removal of tissue or cutting of the haemorrhoids, this should lead to less discomfort and a quicker return to your bowel routine.

What to expect after the operation

You may experience some bleeding following the surgery which is normal, and you’re likely to see blood in your first bowel movement (stool). A small dissolvable sponge is left at the end of surgery which may come out first.

You may experience bleeding for 2 to 3 weeks after surgery when you pass a stool. Your stitches will dissolve about 10 to 15 days after surgery and you may pass some blood when this happens.

You’re likely to experience some discomfort in your bottom following this procedure. We may prescribe you medication to relieve the pain and over the counter painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, can also help.

You may have the ‘feeling’ that you need to pass a motion. This feeling may last for up to 6 weeks, which is how long inflammation takes to settle. It’s important that you don’t sit and strain on the toilet or shower chair, trying to pass something that is not there, as this can lead to further complications.

As we do not cut the haemorrhoids out, there is no wound. You might be left with painless skin tags.

Risk of complications

Signs of an infection include:

  • generally feeling unwell with a high temperature
  • very smelly discharge from your rectum that is not a stool (it may be yellow in colour)
  • excessive bleeding.

Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) (injury above T6)

As there can be some residual discomfort at first, you may suffer with mild or moderate AD symptoms especially when defecating for up to 6 weeks. Please discuss managing this with your surgeon.


You may have some bleeding for 2 to 3 weeks which is normal.

Follow these guidelines to help with healing and to avoid putting pressure on your stitches

For the two weeks, following your procedure:

  • avoid strenuous activity, for example, limit transfers or use a hoist
  • no lifting of items over 10lbs (5kg),
  • no exercise beyond a gentle push / walk
  • bathe your bottom with warm water, to soothe and keep it clean
  • do not apply any creams, ointments or alcohol wipes, unless they have been prescribed by your surgeon.

Bowel routine (returning to your bowel routine)

Try to avoid using a shower chair for the first 2 to 3 weeks.

Wait 48 hours after the procedure before using your fingers to help you defecate. Later if you do find that you need to do so, do it as gently as possible using plenty of lubrication.

Irrigation (using warm water to help defecation)

Some irrigation systems are not recommended following the procedure. A balloon irrigation system could be used 2 days after the procedure but only under supervision in the ward.

You probably will need to increase your laxative dose to ensure you do not get constipated to avoid putting pressure on your pelvic floor and haemorrhoids.

Do not strain or bear down to help your bladder or bowel emptying.


Dissolvable stitches (sutures) will be used. There’s no need to have these removed, as your body will absorb them over the following weeks. You may be able to feel these when performing bowel care.

If you have any discomfort from your stitches, see your GP or mention this when you come for your follow-up appointment.

Follow up

We’ll call you in 4 to 8 weeks and arrange a face-to-face appointment if required.

You can contact us on 01296 315809.