Acute oncology team
The Acute Oncology team includes Haematologists, Oncologists and Nurses with experience in all aspects of the cancer journey, especially chemotherapy, radiotherapy and their side effects.
The team works throughout all areas of Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
If you are admitted urgently to Stoke Mandeville Hospital with a cancer related problem or cancer treatment related issue, the Acute Oncology team will visit and assess your needs and give advice as appropriate.
The Oncologists do ward rounds daily Monday to Friday. The Haematologists do ward rounds daily.
We provide you with the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have and we can refer you onto other specialties if required.
We will liaise with your ward team so they are fully aware of the nature of your cancer and any treatment you have been receiving.
We will also liaise with your Clinical Nurse Specialist / Key Worker and your Consultant, so everyone is kept up-to-date with your condition.
We are available 7 days a week Covering Stoke Mandeville Hospital Monday- Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm
Weekends and Bank Holidays 9.00am – 5.00pm
Patients admitted over the weekend or on a Bank Holiday will be assessed on the following working day.
If you need to contact us during office hours please telephone 01296 315139.
For out of hours please use the phone numbers as stated on the back of your Chemotherapy booklet.