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Critical Care

We care for patients who are seriously ill, need closer monitoring and sometimes those who need organ support.

Who we care for

We treat patients who need more specialised observation and treatment than we can provide on a non-specialist ward. We cover all specialities across surgery and medicine provided within Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.



We have three critical care departments across Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Wycombe Hospital. These include high dependency care beds (HDU) andĀ  intensive care beds (ICU).

At Stoke Mandeville Hospital we have 12 beds between 2 units. At Wycombe we have 6 beds on 1 unit. We treat both intensive care
and high dependency patients together in these units.

Both units have cutting-edge medical technology and a high staff to patient ratio.

Each unit has a waiting room equipped with tea and coffee making facilities for visitors. We don’t provide overnight accommodation.

Our visiting is open 24/7. It’s restricted to 2 visitors per bedside but these visitors can switch around. We ask that visitors step out to the waiting room at handover times, during ward rounds and for procedures.

Each unit has a waiting room with tea and coffee making facilities and toilets for visitors.

We don’t provide overnight accommodation. Whilst visiting is 24/7 we encourage visitors to go home and rest overnight.

Our multi-disciplinary team includes doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, admin assistants, physiotherapists, pharmacists, speech and language therapists, dietitians and psychologists. We liaise with external professionals where needed.

At all times an ICU consultant takes responsibility for patientsā€™ medical treatment.

Experienced medical staff work on the unit 24 hours a day. All our nurses have specialist training in caring for seriously ill patients.


After we discharge patients, we invite them to attend a follow-up clinic. A psychologist, physiotherapist and consultant will assess them and make sure their recovery is going well.

We also provide critical care outreach (CCOT) at both our hospitals. Our practitioners visit patients who’ve just been discharged from ICU/HDU to the wards, and ward patients who are at risk of their condition becoming worse.


As well as providing specialist care to patients, we also support patients’ visitors. We understand that this is a difficult and worrying time and we can arrange psychological and pastoral care for people of any faith.

Find out more about how we support you

Call 4 Concern, also known as Martha’s Rule, is a patient safety critical care outreach initiative from NHS England that allows patients, families, and carers to request a rapid review if they have concerns about a patientā€™s condition.

Stoke Mandeville Hospital is taking part in a pilot programme together with other hospitals in the country. The initiative is being piloted on specific wards in Stoke Mandeville Hospital during 2025 and is intended to improve communication and responsiveness in hospitals.

During your hospital stay, you may see Call 4 Concern posters and information around our Stoke Mandeville hospital site, making you and your family or carers aware of the support available to you if there’s a noticeable worsening in your condition.

Find out more about Call 4 Concern.

Critical Care patient information