Emergency Department (also known as Accident & Emergency)
We treat patients in an emergency at our Emergency Department (ED) – also known as Accident & Emergency – at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ED treats patients with life threatening or serious conditions including:
- chest pains
- serious injuries
- a suspected stroke
- heavy blood loss
- breathing difficulties and choking.
Call 999 or visit A&E immediately.
Not sure if ED is the right place to go?
Call 111 or see our guide to emergency care and treatment We also have an Urgent Treatment Centre at Wycombe Hospital for minor injuries.
If you’re coming to ED …
Come alone
You must come alone to reduce the risk of infection for yourself, other patients and our staff. Exceptions include patients who:
- are under 18
- have a learning disability, cognitive impairment, or autism
- have communication challenges including hearing or visual impairments
- do not speak English as their first language.
In these circumstances, you can bring one carer, parent, guardian or personal assistant.
Wear a face mask
- You are required to wear a fluid resistant surgical face mask at all times in our A&E department, unless you are exempt.
- Please use hand sanitiser before entering the building.
Bring these things:
- next of kin contact details
- the phone number of the person who will collect you from A&E
- a fully charged mobile phone (and charger) to tell people at home about any tests or treatment you may need
- a book or magazine to pass the time.