z Trust Board Summary: 25 January 2023
A summary of discussions that took place during the Board meeting held on Wednesday 25 January 2023.
Item |
Lead |
Description | Outcome |
Staff Story |
Chief People Officer |
‘Emily’s Story’ available here https://youtu.be/q0Cu45i6YvI
The story of Emily, the Therapy Lead for Discharge To Assess and her experiences as a neuro-diverse colleague at the Trust. The Board discussed day-to-day challenges of neurodiversity, disability and empowerment passports, the importance of colleagues listening, understanding themselves and acknowledging any potential biases to neurodiversity, the centralising of resourcing reasonable adjustments and recognition that such support received from the Trust had the potential to support greater long-term retention of colleagues. |
Noted |
Chief Executive Report |
Chief Executive Officer |
An update on key developments during December 2022 both nationally and locally, in line with the Trust strategic priorities.
The Board discussed work being undertaken with the local Council and the programme of investment to support long term sustainable discharge and access to social care, the need for better coordination and signposting to alternative pathways to admission for ambulance services and the importance of robust measurement of performance within community services. The Board acknowledged and commended the work of colleagues Trust wide during the significant pressures over recent weeks. |
Noted |
Committee Chair Reports |
Committee Chairs |
Update from the Non-Executive Director Chairs from December and January Board Committee meetings. These include a summary of key items discussed with escalation to Board as appropriate:
– Audit Committee – an update was provided to the Board on actions to address the current risk related to appointing external auditors prior to year-end. – Finance & Business Performance Committee – recognition of the increased complexity of patient presentation and impact on costs, the £3.6m overspent capital programme and the 2023-24 Operational Planning Guidance and associated risks. – Quality & Clinical Governance Committee –improvement noted in complaint response times. Concerns raised related to the backlog of radiology reporting, compliance with CNST and community paediatric service resilience. – Strategic People Committee – discussion had taken place regarding staff survey response rates and the importance of triangulation of results with information from the FTSU service once results were published. The Committee were assured by progress made on the Health and Safety compliance dashboard. |
Assured |
Integrated Performance Report (IPR) |
Chief Operating Officer |
Monthly reporting on Trust performance metrics and progress with actions/progress with actions to address negative variance. Reporting defined by NHS System Oversight Framework, BHT Strategic Priorities and the 2022/23 Operating Plan.
An update was provided on 78-week waiters noting the Trust was on track to have treated all of these by the end of the financial year. Focussed discussions took place related to the need for readmission data within the IPR, recruitment plans for therapists to support discharge, vaccination rates, virtual wards, role of discharge |
Assured |
coordinators now in post (end December) and timely senior decision making within ED. Work was noted to be ongoing with colleagues in the private and voluntary sectors noting workforce was challenging across the board. | |||
Monthly Finance Report |
Chief Finance Officer |
Update on financial position at M09 including year to date (YTD) headline position, divisional forecasts and capital, balance sheet and cash flow analysis.
The Board were asked to adopt a revised year end planned forecast of £14.6m deficit. The capital programme was noted to be overspent by £3.6m with mitigations in place. |
Assured |
Quarterly Operating Plan Update |
Chief Digital Information Officer |
Update on key priorities for Q3 (October-December 2022).
The Board discussed Community Paediatrics in detail noting challenges in specialist recruitment, long waiting times and work underway with Place colleagues including the development of a Therapy Strategy. The format of the quarterly updates was considered with suggestions on how to improve for 2023-24. |
Assured |
Freedom to Speak Up Guardian (FTSUG) Mid-Year Report |
Chief People Officer |
The mid-year report from the FTSUG summarising activity between April-September 2022.
The benefits of the outreach model and the new network of champions were recognised with a significant increase in contacts, particularly from BAME colleagues. The Board welcomed more work on the measurement of speaking up culture and triangulation of information on colleague wellbeing and patient safety. |
Assured |
Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST)
Maternity |
Chief Nurse |
Report providing evidence for areas of compliance with the CNST and action plans for areas of non-compliance.
The Trust were compliant with 7 of the 10 safety actions. Submission of the Board declaration to this effect was approved. |
Approved |
CQC Action Plan |
Chief Nurse |
Update on progress with the action plan set following the CQC inspection in February 2022. Actions were noted to be on track. |
Assured |
Corporate Risk Register (CRR) |
Chief Nurse |
A newly formatted CRR report following the implementation of Datix. Two new risks had been added since the previous report;
– Risk of industrial action – Sustainability and safety of the chemotherapy service. |
Assured |
Board Assurance
Framework (BAF) |
Chief Executive Officer | Updated BAF report summarising movement in risks and related actions. |
Assured |
Cancer Community Work | Chief Medical Officer | Overview of programs supporting community groups to reduce health inequalities and raise awareness of cancer |
Noted |
Patient Experience Annual Report |
Chief Nurse |
Annual report for 2021/22 summarising national inpatient survey results, complaints, compliments and PALs activity and themes, the chaplaincy service and the involvement of patients in service improvement projects |
Noted |
Private Board
Summary Report |
Trust Board Business Manager | Summary of matters discussed at the Trust Board meetings in private in November and December 2022 |
Noted |
Draft ICP Strategic Priorities | Chief Commercial Officer | Presentation of the draft strategic priorities for the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) |
Noted |
Director of Public Health Annual
Report |
Chief Digital Information Officer | Presentation related to the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022; ‘Hearts and Minds; Preventing heart disease and stroke in Buckinghamshire’. |
Noted |
To read more on the ICP Strategic Priorities visit 7412dde8ee3fd572bf249ae0cb8058c2_Master_BOB_Strategy_Document_Draft_vFINAL2.pdf (amazonaws.com)
To read the Director of Public Health Annual Report visit
Appendix 1 for Director of Public Health Annual Report 2021-2022.pdf (moderngov.co.uk) (short read) Appendix 2 for Director of Public Health Annual Report 2021-2022.pdf (moderngov.co.uk) (long read)