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h Trust Board Summary: 25 October 2023

A summary of discussions that took place during the Board meeting held on Wednesday 25 October 2023.





Description Outcome








Patient Story









Chief Nurse

The stories of Peter and Laurel, who shared their experiences of living with Parkinson’s.

The Board discussed the importance of early intensive physiotherapy and self-management, the impact of the environment on health and the role of digital in transforming future services.

The Board also considered how learning regarding caring for patients with Parkinson’s was shared across multiple services and how collaborative working within place, system and the third sector supported patient pathways.

Developments internally included timely screening for Parkinson’s patients on admission, improvements in handovers from ambulance and community colleagues and plans for an in-reach service.

The Board plans to revisit the story in 2024 to review progress with intended service developments.

Peter and Laurel’s stories can be accessed via the following link:













Chief Executive Report




Chief Executive Officer

Update on key developments during September 2023 both nationally and locally, in line with the Trust strategic priorities.

Focussed discussions took place regarding the CQC Report following the recent inspection into Maternity Services at the Trust.

October was highlighted as Speaking Up month alongside the role of the Board in promoting a culture of speaking up. The role of senior leaders in the Trust was also recognised in supporting the ED&I agenda.







BHT Pol 089


Chief Finance Officer

The Board was provided with a summary of the changes made to BHT Pol 089, the ‘Governance Manual’ during this routine review.

A further review was planned in 2024 to support greater understanding of the content of the document.













Committee Chair Reports










Committee Chairs

Update from the Non-Executive Director Chairs from October Board Committee meetings.

–          Finance & Business Performance Committee – summary of the content of the meeting including IPR metrics considered, the plan to manage the deficit over the next 3-5 years and the 2023/24 Breakthrough Objectives. Concerns raised to the Board included the dip in performance related to specific cancer pathways, progress against the 5% productivity and 12-hour waits objectives, the need to reconsider risk metrics related to the Inequalities agenda and consider risk management within Estates in more detail and the importance of maintaining a focus on colleague wellbeing.

–          Quality & Clinical Governance Committee – summary of the content of the meeting including IPR metrics considered, maternity patient survey and CQC action plan with a particular focus on signage. Concerns raised to the Board included timeliness of addressing patient’s mental health needs, performance within skin cancer services, neonatal cot capacity and infection prevention and control issues during

the winter in view of the rise of COVID cases. The Board












discussed the importance of considering the profile of waiting lists and the analysis previously undertaken.









Integrated Performance Report (IPR)










Chief Operating Officer

Monthly reporting on Trust performance metrics and progress with actions/progress with actions to address negative variance. Reporting was in a new format but continued to be defined by NHS System Oversight Framework, BHT Strategic Priorities and the 2023/24 Breakthrough Objectives.

Focussed discussions took place regarding more relatable language within the document, particularly to support the celebration of successes, the reduction in medically optimised for discharge (MOfD) patients and the importance of a greater focus on community services, noting the impact of these services on overall Trust performance and the data that was available in this area.

The Board also discussed the role of Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) and metrics related to turnover and timely senior decision making at the front door in detail. The Board commended the achievement of the 90% target related to statutory and mandatory training.

The work of the peer vaccinator team was commended, particularly ahead of winter with the rise in cases of COVID. The Board were cognisant of the potential impact of winter months on the wider workforce.
















Winter Resilience Plan





Chief Operating Officer

Overview of the Winter Resilience Plan for Winter 2023 noting this was a subset of a System Plan. The plan focusses on increasing access to same day urgent care and capacity more broadly, reducing admissions and delays to discharge and considers surge planning.

Focussed discussions took place regarding the importance of therapy and support services, clarity in terms of increasing capacity over the winter months and timeliness and readiness for applying for any available central funds. The importance of communicating the plan outside the organisation was noted including specific asks from the public.











Finance Report




Chief Finance Officer

Update on the Trust financial position at M06 including headline position, cost improvement programmes, capital, balance sheet and cash flow analysis.

As at M06, the Trust was reporting a year-to-date (YTD) deficit of

£12.5m, £0.8m behind than the planned deficit of £11.7m. The Trust was forecasting to deliver £29.68m of the £36.22m 2023/24 Efficiency Plan but on plan to achieve the 2023/24 Capital Plan.

The Board discussed the cash position and capital spend, including governance arrangements, in detail.







CQC Action/ Improvement Plan



Chief Nurse

Update on progress against actions related to CQC inspections of the Trust. Actions following the Maternity inspection would be added to the central improvement plan.

The Board were informed that a test of the evidence was being undertaken by the Internal Audit team.




Private Board Summary Report Trust Board Business Manager Summary of matters discussed at the Trust Board meeting in private in September 2023.  



Research & Innovation Annual Report


Chief Medical Officer

Annual report for 2022/23 highlighting key successes for the year including Trust performance when benchmarked against others.

The Board commended the work of the team, the contextual relevance of the research undertaken by the Trust and the overall energy in the research space.


