Trust unveils patient-operated blood pressure monitor in the waiting room of breast unit
The Trust is tackling undiagnosed hypertension by putting patient-operated blood pressure monitors in waiting areas. While you’re waiting for an appointment you can check your numbers and once you know your numbers, you’re in a better position to take control of your own health.
High blood pressure (hypertension) can increase your risk of developing serious problems, such as heart attacks and strokes, if it’s not treated. Having this quick test is the only way to find out what your blood pressure is and it could save your life.
Once you know your numbers, you can use a blood pressure chart to see what they mean and if your blood pressure is in the healthy range. The chart is suitable for adults of any age, as the cut-off point for diagnosing high blood pressure doesn’t change with age.
Consultant Breast & Reconstructive Surgeon Fiona Tsang-Wright and Medical student Selena Farahmand-Afshar are championing the initiative and were at the unveiling of the latest patient operated blood pressure monitor installation in the waiting area of the Breast Unit at Wycombe Hospital. Fiona Tsang-Wright said: “The statistics are extremely compelling – people really can and do make major lifestyle changes if they have the information about their own bodies. Once you know your numbers there’s no hiding from the facts.”
Ben Collins, Associate Director of Strategic Delivery at the Trust, who is leading the implementation of the initiative said: “One of our priorities is to support healthy communities and one of the ways to do this is to help people understand and manage their own health, so they can take action before needing urgent hospital care. If you know you’re at risk of hypertension you can do something about it, if you don’t, then there’s a risk of serious illness.”
The Trust has already got a blood pressure monitor available to anyone who visits Health on the High Street in the Friars Square shopping centre in Aylesbury and plans to roll out more across the Trust.