Trust maternity and gynaecology outpatient services open in new purpose-built building
From today, Thursday 16 March, all Trust outpatient clinics for maternity and gynaecology services at Stoke Mandeville Hospital will take place in the new Waddesdon Wing located in front of our Emergency Department within the hospital site.
Signage is in place to direct patients and services users from car parks and entrances to the correct location for their maternity/obstetrics and gynaecology outpatient appointment.
This new permanent location provides purpose-built facilities, improving access to these services in a modern environment.
Elaine Gilbert, Head of Midwifery at the Trust, said: “Opening the Waddesdon Wing is part of an exciting programme of building work taking place to ensure that our hospital buildings and facilities offer the best healthcare environment for our patients and staff.
“The new building, with its modern and purpose-built facilities, demonstrates the Trust’s commitment to providing outstanding care to our maternity and gynaecology patients and service users.”
Patients and service users attending appointments from Thursday 16 March have been informed about the change in location for these clinics. All contact details and phone numbers for these services remain the same.