Share your views on the Integrated Care Partnership’s strategic priorities

Date: 20/12/2022 | Category: News 2022

The integrated care partnership (ICP) is a group of organisations which plan and provide health and care services for two million people who live and work in the local authority areas of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, West Berkshire, Reading and Wokingham (the latter three authorities under the umbrella of ‘Berkshire West’).

Members include local authorities. local NHS organisations and GPs, public health, Healthwatch, care providers, the voluntary sector, the Oxford Academic Health Science Network and other research partners.

The ICP’s vision is for everyone who lives in the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (‘BOB’) area, to have the best possible start in life, to live happier, healthier lives for longer, and to get the right support when they need it.

To achieve its vision, the ICP must develop a strategy which improves quality and reduces inequality in health and care services. The members of the ICP have worked with partner organisations, the voluntary sector, and other stakeholders to understand their areas of focus.

The next step is to work with local people and communities to set the direction (principles) of the ICP strategy and agree a common set of priorities for the BOB health and care system, linking with plans already in place, to meet local needs while taking pressure off services caused by increased demand and workforce shortages.

The principles will guide what the ICP does and the partnership’s draft priorities outline the areas where working together locally and across the health and care system will bring about improvements in the health and wellbeing of the population.

The ICP has launched public engagement exercise to seek feedback on these proposed priorities from wider partners and with people who live or work in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West.

The draft strategy proposes priorities in the following categories:

·        Promoting and protecting health – to support people to stay healthy, protect people from health hazards and prevent ill-health

·        Start Well – to help children achieve the best start in life

·        Live Well – to support people and communities to stay healthy for as long as possible

·        Age Well – to support people to live healthier, independent lives for longer

·        Improving quality and access to services – to help people access services at the right place and right time

The public feedback will refine the principles and priorities and a further draft of the strategy will be published in the new year. The ICP will continue to engage with stakeholders and the public as the work progresses.

This will ensure the ICP considers public views and patient experience as it develops ideas for new ways of providing care.

To find out more and to give feedback by answering an online survey please visit

A printed copy of the survey is available by post or by telephone for people without online access. An easy read version of the draft strategy is also being produced and it can be translated or produced in braille on demand. Please contact 0300 123 4465 or email