One Team One Goal award winners revealed
We’ve revealed the winners for the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust One Team One Goal (OTOG) 2021 Awards at a special ceremony held at Wycombe Hospital – highlighting the great work of the Trust’s healthcare professionals, support teams and volunteers over the last year.
Bridget O’Kelly, Chief People Officer for the Trust, said: “We were very proud to host our 17th staff awards, although as ever our judges had a very hard time choosing the final winners from over 200 nominations. Some of the winners told me that they were ‘just doing their job’ – but One Team One Goal Awards recognise the immense pride they take in their roles and their efforts above and beyond what’s expected. It’s why BHT is such a great place to work.”
The Lifetime Contribution Award was won by Community Midwife Tracey Martin who received 60 nominations from previous patients, colleagues and students, citing her as being “widely regarded as a living legend” for her support of around 2000 women and families. One colleague spoke about “her support during times of loss, advocacy for women when they are scared, and personalised care every single time”.
Volunteer of the Year Award went to Graham Livesey, Volunteer Gardener at the National Spinal Injury Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, who transformed a neglected courtyard overlooked by spinal patients and staff into a courtyard to sit in and relax.
A final surprise Special Award went to Scannappeal for raising £16 million to fund life-saving medical equipment for the Trust over 35 years.
The awards categories this year supported the Trust’s corporate strategy: ‘Great place to work’, ‘Outstanding care’ and ‘Healthy communities’.
OTOG 2021 award winners:
Awards supporting BHT’s vision of being ‘A great place to work’
- CEO Award for Leadership: Pam Daley Medical Education Manager, ELD
- You Made a Difference Award: Simon Witney HCA, Outpatients
- Rising Star Award: Helen Gadsby Nurse, ITU
Awards supporting BHT’s vision of delivering ‘Outstanding care’
- Outstanding Care Award Acute Service: Frailty Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) Team
- Outstanding Care Award Community Service: Maternity Support Workers Perinatal Mental Health Team
- Outstanding Care Award Non-Clinical Service: Leadership & OD Team
- Quality Improvement and Innovation Award: Neonatal Team
- Lifetime Contribution Award: Tracey Martin Community Midwife
Awards supporting the BHT’s vision of creating ‘Heathy communities’
- Equity and Inclusion Award: Children Looked After Health Team
- Volunteer of the Year Award: Graham Livesey Volunteer Gardener, National Spinal Injury Centre
Awards supporting the BHT’s CARE values:
- CARE Values Award for Collaborate: Mr Martin Wasik Consultant Ophthalmologist
- CARE Values Award for Aspire: joint winners Sally Reffold Advanced Physiotherapist and Anita Cserbane Research Nurse, Research & Innovation
- CARE Values Award for Respect: joint winners Lucy Ogles HCA, Theatres and Ann Clairemont HCA, Theatres
- CARE Values Award for Enable: joint winners David Holland Clinical Skills Lead, Education Learning & Development and Julie Tebbutt, Clinical Research Lead, Research & Innovation
Additional awards
- People’s Award for Personal and Compassionate Care: Justine Gowers HCA, and Ward 17 (Gastroenterology)
- Special Award: Scannappeal
Volunteer of the Year Award winner Graham Livesey
Lifetime Contribution Award winner Community Midwife Tracey Martin