Trust above average in 8 out of 9 themes in this year’s NHS Staff Survey
The results of the 2021 annual NHS national staff survey are published today, Wednesday 30 March 2022.
Over 3,400 members of the Trust workforce (56%) responded – which is well above the average response rate for trusts in this sector which was 46%.
Staff feedback is important and helps shape the priorities of the organisation. As a result of last year’s results we put greater support for managers and teams in place and focussed on the health and wellbeing of all who work here.
This year the themes in the national survey were changed to align with the NHS People Promise, so it is not possible to make a year on year comparison. It was extremely pleasing to note, however, that as a Trust we scored at or above the national average in 8 out of 9 of this year’s themes.
Bridget O’Kelly, Chief People Officer for the Trust said: “I know just how busy everyone is so I’m incredibly grateful that so many colleagues shared their experience of working in the Trust. I am particularly proud of the fact that ‘we are compassionate and inclusive’ was the People Promise with the highest ranking and scoring. We will be looking at the survey results in more detail to help shape our key priority areas for the coming year.”