Archives: Patient Information Leaflets

Breech presentation

Date: 24/08/2022 | Category:

What is a breech presentation? Breech presentation means that your baby is lying bottom first or feet first in the womb (uterus) instead of in the usual headfirst (cephalic) position. […]

Induction of labour (with intact membranes)

Date: 27/06/2022 | Category:

This leaflet has been written to help you and your partner understand what might happen during an induction of labour. What is induction of labour? Most women will start labour […]

Induction of labour with Cervical Balloon (Foley’s) catheter

Date: 27/06/2022 | Category:

What is balloon induction? Balloon induction is a mechanical form of induction of labour and is the only method used for outpatient induction of labour at present. This is because […]

Commercial umbilical cord blood collection

Date: 09/06/2022 | Category:

This leaflet is for parents considering commercial options for collecting Umbilical Card Blood. We wish to make it clear that Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust does not endorse the routine collection […]

Vitamin K for newborn babies

Date: 27/04/2022 | Category:

Find out more about why the Department of Health and Social Care and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommend that all newborn babies receive Vitamin K as an […]

Feeding your baby during a hospital admission

Date: 08/03/2022 | Category:

The prospect of coming into hospital is an emotional time if you have a young baby. You may feel more anxious about your baby than yourself and have concerns about […]

Rothschild Ward welcome letter – Antenatal

Date: 22/02/2022 | Category:

Welcome to Rothschild Ward. We appreciate that being in hospital while pregnant can be an anxious time, and we are here to support you. We want your stay with us […]

Rothschild Ward welcome letter – Postnatal

Date: 22/02/2022 | Category:

Welcome to Rothschild Ward and congratulations on the birth of your baby We are here to support you. We want your stay with us to be as relaxed and comfortable […]

Contraceptive choices after you have had your baby

Date: 21/02/2022 | Category:

Having a new baby is a busy time and it is easy to forget about contraception. Your periods can return 5-6 weeks after you have your baby, however as ovulation […]

Support guide for perinatal mental health

Date: 07/02/2022 | Category:

Pregnancy is often a very happy and exciting time.  But not everyone feels this way. You may have mixed, or even negative, feelings about being pregnant. You may find it […]