PIF Categories: Labour and birth
Induction of labour with a cervical balloon (Foley’s) catheter
Read our guide below about the induction of labour with a cervical balloon. You can also download a PDF version of this patient information by following the link on the […]
Preparing your skin for a caesarean
Read our guide below about how to prepare your skin for a caesarean. You can also download a PDF version of this patient information by following the link on the […]
Journey of a pre-term baby
View 3 short videos about maternity and neonatal care for premature babies: Journey of a pre-term baby
Artificial seeding at planned caesarean section
Read our guide below about artificial seeding at planned caesarean section What is artificial seeding? There’s been increased media coverage and interest about the role that a newborn baby’s ecosystem […]
When your waters break early (pre-term pre-labour rupture of membranes)
What is pre-term pre-labour rupture of membranes? It’s when your waters break before the start of labour. This mostly happens near to the date that your baby is due. If […]
Induction of labour (with intact membranes)
This leaflet has been written to help you and your partner understand what might happen during an induction of labour. What is induction of labour? Most women will start labour […]
Commercial umbilical cord blood collection
This leaflet is for parents considering commercial options for collecting Umbilical Card Blood. We wish to make it clear that Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust does not endorse the routine collection […]
Support guide for perinatal mental health
Pregnancy is often a very happy and exciting time. But not everyone feels this way. You may have mixed, or even negative, feelings about being pregnant. You may find it […]
Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC)
Introduction At Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust we are committed to promoting and supporting vaginal birth for women who have previously given birth by caesarean section. This is called a VBAC […]
Immersion in water during labour can aid relaxation, ease pain, help you change position easily and reduce the need for additional pain relief and is supported at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS […]