PIF Categories: Foundation skills

Shoulder and core strength

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

Why is having a strong core important? It helps us stay upright when we sit and write at a table for example. It’s also helpful when we play, ride a […]

Bilateral intergration and co-ordination

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

What is bilateral integration? It’s a neurological process where the sensations from both sides of our body combine or ‘integrate’ together. Bilateral integration is a foundation skill for bilateral co-ordination […]

In-hand manipulation

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

What is in-hand manipulation? It’s when you use your fingers and thumb to move an object into position for an activity using one hand. For example, picking up a pen and […]

Pincer grip

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

What is a pincer grip? It’s a developmental milestone that’s normally formed using the thumb and index finger. A pincer grip allows you to pick up small objects. It usually […]

Hand dominance

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

What is hand dominance? It’s the hand that you use to write and perform most activities. How to help your child establish hand dominance It’s important to encourage daily activities […]

Hand dexterity

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

What is hand dexterity? It’s the ability to perform small, precise hand movements with flow and accuracy using the small muscles of your hand. Your child’s hand dexterity is based […]

Finger isolation and finger games

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

Why is finger isolation important? Being able to move your fingers in isolation allows us to complete a fine motor task, especially with writing. As our writing skills mature, we […]

Finger dexterity

Date: 20/07/2021 | Category:

What is finger dexterity? It’s the ability to perform small, precise hand movements with flow and accuracy. Your child’s dexterity is based on efficient development of foundation skills including: proprioception […]

Crossing the midline

Date: 19/07/2021 | Category:

What is crosssing the midline? The midline is an imaginary line that divides the body in half. ‘Crossing the midline’ refers to a person’s ability to reach over this imaginary […]

Body awareness

Date: 19/07/2021 | Category:

What is body awareness? It’s when our muscles, joints and tendons help tell us what position our body is in. Most children develop the ability to integrate information about their […]