Vaccination information clarification
If your child received a COVID-19 vaccination at the Guttman Centre at Stoke Mandeville on either Saturday 23 or Sunday 24 October you will have received a confirmation notification via email.
Please note the details of the vaccination given in this confirmation email were incorrect.
We can confirm that the vaccination your child received was the Pfizer vaccine you consented for and NOT AstraZeneca as detailed in the email you received. Our schools immunisations team will be in contact with you by a follow up email to confirm the Pfizer vaccine and the batch number that was administered to your child.
Unfortunately, there was a clerical error and the details of the vaccine your child received were incorrectly input onto the local e-consenting system which generated the inaccurate email which was sent to you on the evening following your child’s vaccination.
The national database (NIVS) that holds immunisation data contains the correct vaccine and batch number administered.
We apologise for any inconvenience and upset this may have caused you, your child and your family over the weekend.
Thank you for supporting the immunisation programme.