Early language groups training for nursery and pre-school settings
This course will enable the set-up and delivery of a group intervention to support early language development in children aged 2 and a half onwards who have delayed speaking and understanding.
The activities focus on:
- understanding of language (following 1 or 2 key word instructions)
- using language (from single words to combining two words together).
The training is delivered over MS Teams in 4 x 1 hour weekly sessions across a half-term. One staff member will need to:
- attend all 4 sessions
- practice delivering the group in the setting between sessions
- lead on delivering the groups within the setting going forward.
The training will include:
- how to set up and run early language groups within your setting
- step-by-step look at session plans, including the activities and resources
- the opportunity to practice running the group and share feedback with the trainer and staff from other settings
- how to use a visual timetable within the group structure
- some basic Makaton signs along with the vocabulary targeted within each session.
Feedback from a setting last year said
“It was brilliant to attend a course where we were given so much practical advice and ideas. This has enabled us to implement language sessions immediately within our Nursery, providing necessary and instant language support for the children who need it most. We just need to keep practising the makaton signs now! Thank you very much for making us feel at ease and providing such fab training!”
To sign up to this training email buc-tr.cyptherapytraining@nhs.net with the subject title ‘Early Language Group Training.’
Upcoming training
Developmental Language Disorder: The most common childhood condition you have never heard of. Dates for this training are coming soon.