About the Amersham Community Paediatric Clinic
This information is to help you prepare your child for a visit to our services.
We have a booklet about each of our centres at Amersham Hospital, Abbey Place High Wycombe and Rayner’s Hedge Centre, Aylesbury.
Why not download and print out the booklet, then sit down somewhere cosy and look at the pictures with your child?
You can use the booklet in any way that you find helpful and can skip pages you think might upset or confuse your child.
We deliver our services in a child-centred way. This means that we will not necessarily check height or weight or undertake other examinations if it is not appropriate during that visit.
There is a page with a picture of a blood pressure machine. We take blood pressure only for the small number of children who may be going on to have medication, particularly for ADHD.
We hope that you find the information helpful and welcome any comments you have to help us improve them.
The Community Paediatric Team
We have Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists and Pharmacists in our team…
You will walk down this corridor to the clinic room
your parents can go with you.
You will be seen in a clinic room like this one
The person that you see will have a talk with you and your parent or carer
You might need to lie on our couch to be examined
We might need to check what you weigh, (you might need to stand or site for us to check your weight)
and how tall you are …
We may need to check your blood pressure using this machine
This will go around your arm
You will feel a gentle squeeze on your arm while it is working.
It normally takes less than a minute.
You can tell the person you are seeing what you liked about your visit
You and your parents may be asked to complete our questionnaire
When your appointment has finished it’s time to go.
In a few weeks your parent or carer will receive a letter from us telling you about your appointment and what will happen next.