10 top tips for early language development
This webinar is for parents/carers and early years practitioners who want to learn more about the best ways to support early language skills in young children. The child/children you support will be communicating using a combination of sounds and gestures.
The webinar goes through how to support childrenās early language development using ten simple strategies you can practise at home or where care is provided. It has been broken down into five parts of 10-15 minutes each to make it easier to watch. We would recommend you watch all five parts in order if watching for the first time, but you could dip in to relevant parts if you wanted a refresher.
Part 1 introduces the ten top tips and covers the first three tipsĀ
- Follow your childās lead
- Be face-to-face and get your childās attention first
- Put your childās message into words
Part 2 covers tips 4 and 5
- Build opportunities to communicate
- Make language learning fun
Part 3 covers tips 6, 7 and 8
- Copy your childās sounds and actions
- Use simple repetitive language
- Use gestures, actions and demonstrations
Part 4 covers the final two tips 9 and 10
- Offer choices
- Ask fewer questions
Part 5 summarises the 10 tips and how to practise them within special time.
It also covers how to expand your childās language as a next step, and how to access the speech and language therapy service.