General Management of Hypoglycaemia in Diabetes Mellitus
General Management of Hypoglycaemia in Diabetes Mellitus (Blood Glucose below 4.0mmols)
‘What To Do’ information
A low blood glucose (below 4mmols) might happen because:
• a meal or snack is missed or delayed
• the child/young person hasn’t eaten enough
• the child/young person has been exercising a lot with no extra food
• the child/young person is getting more insulin than their body needs
• Stress
Follow the flow chart below if a child/young person with Diabetes appears to have any of these signs OR if they are have a reading below 4mmols at a mealtime blood glucose check without these symptoms:
General Signs of Hypoglycaemia
Flow Chart for management of suspected Hypoglycaemia (Blood glucose less than 4mmol)
If the child has been given 3 doses of hypo treatment and the child’s conscious state is starting to deteriorate or worsen, call 999.