Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
The NHS is changing the way we learn from those occasions when things don’t go to plan, and where patients may be harmed as a result.
These are known as patient safety incidents.
When such incidents happen the Trust follows the Patient Safety Incident Review Framework (PSIRF).
NHS England video
Should you have reached this section of our website because you have suffered harm whilst in the care of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, we are sorry.
We undertake to be honest and open with you in our words and actions as we respond to this. We will also support you as necessary.
Making sure patients, families, carers and staff are supported and involved when incidents occur, is a priority for the Trust.
If you need support, or wish to discuss the care you or your loved one received from us, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
Find out other ways you get in touch with us and can give us your feedback on our services.
Learning from incidents
There are a number of different ways of learning from patient safety incidents – ranging from an immediate debrief, a multidisciplinary meeting and a detailed investigation which may be submitted to external organisations.
If you are, or someone you care for is, involved in a patient safety incident, you will be able to speak to someone who will:
- listen to you
- understand what questions you have
- explain the different types of learning methods that may be used; and
- explore what your needs are in any learning response that is undertaken.
If you would like to speak to someone, and have not already been introduced to one, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison (PALs) team who can direct you to the most appropriate person. Email:
Policy and Plan
We are required to publish two key documents to explain how we will meet the requirements of PSIRF – a PSIRF Policy and Plan.
These contain links which are only accessible to staff within the Trust; if you would like a copy of any of the information at these links, please contact us.
These documents describe how the Trust oversees the process of learning from incidents and making improvements.
Contact us
If you have any queries about the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework, please contact our PALs team for more information. Email: