s CEO report June 2024
Chief Executive’s Report
National and system update
I am delighted to start my report this month by sharing the exciting news that two of our BHT colleagues have been recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours this month: Karen Bonner (Chief Nurse) has been awarded an MBE for services to nursing, and Dr Andrew Tyerman (who was clinical lead for our Community Head Injury Service for many years) a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire. We are extremely proud of the contributions they have made in their respective fields.
Our work with partners in the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire & Berkshire West Integrated Care System (BOB ICS) continues to develop and earlier this month I joined fellow Chief Executives in the ICS for the first System Recovery and Transformation Board. We discussed delivery of this year’s financial plan and longer term sustainability. I will update further in my next quarterly Place and System Briefing to the Board next month.
The NHS England Regional Support Group have agreed for our trust to be moved from Segment 3 to Segment 2 of the NHS Oversight & Assurance Framework, effective from Q1 2024/25. My thanks to colleagues across the organisation for their hard work which has led to sustained improvement in our operational performance, and in so doing, the experience and outcomes for our patients.
Outstanding care
Key performance data are presented in the Integrated Performance Report with supporting narrative. The format of this report continues to evolve to demonstrate the link between data (‘driver metrics’) which we are using to monitor progress towards the organisational objectives we have committed to achieving this year. At Executive Management Committee, we reviewed a forward plan to achieve 2% of patients or less waiting 12 hours or more in the Emergency Department, and noted the continued challenge to deliver the 4-hour target although were assured that developments in the coming weeks and months (e.g. the planned opening of a 21-bedded ward) would bring improvements.
EMC also received assurance reports regarding cancer performance and improvements in train in this area, an overview of the forward programme for planned care, and our monthly finance and capital reports.
Huge congratulations to our surgical pre-operative assessment team who have been shortlisted in the HSJ Patient Safety Awards. Read more detail here.
Earlier this month we held our now annual Quality Improvement & Clinical Audit Conference. I was particularly impressed with the number of colleagues and teams keen to showcase the improvements they were proud to have made in their areas, from a wide variety of disciplines across the Trust.
Healthy communities
This month, in celebration of National Patient Participation Week, we have been talking about the importance of engaging, involving and partnering with patients and the public in our services. It was enlightening to spend some time with our Patient Advice & Liaison Service team, and speak directly with members of the public who contacted them while I was there. I was also delighted to spend time with just a few of our incredible volunteers, who support us in so many different ways. I am sure the Board would join me in taking this opportunity to thank all those who give up their time so generously to support our patients and colleagues.
Continuing the theme of involving the public in our services, it was also Carers’ Week this month, and following a successful pilot our Patient Experience team have launched the Carer’s passport. This will be an important and valuable way to recognise the critical role carers play in healthcare and support them to do this. My thanks to Holly Hoskisson, Chief Executive of Carers Bucks, for coming to present to our leaders and managers this month, to highlight the importance of Carers’ Week in raising awareness particularly of unpaid carers.
We are as an organisation heavily embedded in our community, in the types of services we provide, the amount of local employment we give, and the impact we have on the environment – this month Big Green Week was an opportunity for us to think about our commitments to Net Zero by 2040, and what we can all do to play our part to achieve this.
This month it is also Learning Disability Week, and I have been fortunate to spend some time with our community nurses for children with a learning disability. This small team perhaps serve as a reminder of the range of community services we as an integrated trust provide for all ages in our county.
The Buckinghamshire Executive Partnership continues to meet monthly and this month we received a Review of 2023/24 which I have appended to this report (Appendix 1).
Great place to work
Our Annual Awards for colleagues is an important part of how we recognise and reward colleagues who demonstrate excellence and commitment, and I am pleased to share that nominations are now open until 8 July 2024.
Congratulations to Lilith Feasey and Amy Morris, two of our midwives who have received the local Alison Heffernan Award, which is voted for by women and families who have had a baby under the care of the Trust in the last year.
Finally, a formal welcome to Kavan Nagi (Board Affiliate), who is our Trust Lead Cardiovascular Pharmacist and will bring a valuable perspective to our Board discussions.
Appendix 1_Buckinghamshire Executive Partnership Annual Review 2023-24
Appendix 2_Executive Management Committee & Transformation Board