Public Sector Equality Duty Report Summary 2021/2022
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust sits at the heart of our community and plays a huge part in people’s daily lives, be those colleagues, patients or members of the public.
Our role is to ensure everyone working, living and visiting Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has equal access to fair and inclusive services and opportunities. As part of our own objectives, core values and strategy, we are committed to:
- the elimination of discrimination
- promoting equality of opportunity
- listening to our patients; and
- reducing health inequalities by building community partnerships
- providing outstanding care
- dignity and respect for all our patients, service users, their families, carers and our staff; and
- being a great place to work
In 2019 the following equality objectives were set by our Trust Board for 2019-2023, in line with our PSED requirements. These are the equality objectives set for public and patients only.
- Reduce inequalities for patients with protected characteristics
- Engage isolated patient groups in Buckinghamshire
- Listen and encompass the patient voice
These objectives were developed following our Equality Delivery System (EDS2) assessments undertaken in 2019.
As a publicly funded organisation, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (BHT) is required to publish information annually on how it has met the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and the progress it has made in achieving its equality objectives including steps taken to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination
- advance equality of opportunity for people with protected characteristics
- and foster good relations between those who share protected characteristics and those who do not.
This report provides assurance to the Trust Board and to the Public that BHT is meeting its PSED obligations and continuing to promote an inclusive culture across the organisation.
Four patient/public reports have been produced covering the following key areas:
- Business Planning
- Patient Profile
- Patient Experience and Involvement
- Public and Patient Engagement
Last year, we committed to improving our recording of ethnicity across all our services.
Over the last year, the Trust has continued to make significant progress in the accurate recording of patient Ethnicity. The number of inpatients who have not answered and the number not being asked the ethnicity question during their admission has dropped significantly from 11,833 in 2020/21 to 4048 in 2021/2022.
The Trust also committed to supporting system wide health prevention and promotion activities linked to reductions in cardio-vascular disease in specific areas and communities where inequalities are most apparent. In 2021/2022 the communications team used various forms of media to support over 30 public health campaigns which have included: Stoptober, Diabetes Awareness week, World blood donor day, World heart rhythm week, Healthy eating week etc.
Supporting the ‘Start Well’ action plan to promote maternal and child health and wellbeing including prioritising support for vulnerable children and families.