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Patient experience and Involvement PSED Report 2023-24

As part of our commitment to improving the patient experience we collect feedback on a patient’s personal experience of the quality of care and services they receive, and act upon it to improve services. We put patients at the heart of everything we do. Through involving and engaging patients, the public and stakeholders we will be better able to consistently provide high quality services.

We also work together with patients, to design and develop services and the Trust’s plans. We want to develop an organisation where everyone recognises and promotes the value of involving patients and the public, and their role in supporting us to improve services. We aim to achieve a better understanding and insight into the health needs of our local population by working with them, whilst ensuring we meet our Equality and Diversity duties.

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (BHT) will continue to provide a variety of appropriate mechanisms to communicate with, listen to and engage with all our diverse communities.

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