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o CEO report November 2024

1.0           National and system update

1.1           NHS England has issued a letter (Appendix 1) to providers titled ‘Evolution of our operating model’ which sets out an ambition to continue developing the existing operating framework through simplifying and reducing duplication, shifting resources to neighbourhood health, devolving decision-making, and enabling leaders to manage complexity at a local level. It will also involve supporting organisations to improve through the NHS Performance, Improvement and Regulatory Framework. NHS England have also published Insightful Board guides for Integrated Care Boards and providers which we will review in due course.

1.2           Earlier this month we were honoured to welcome the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh to the National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, together with the Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, as part of the 80th anniversary celebrations. The Duke of Edinburgh is Patron of the British Paralympic Association and was able to learn more about the extraordinary heritage of the NSIC, Horatio’s Garden and spend time with patients, colleagues and volunteers during their visit. I am sure the Board will join me in extending our gratitude to the Duke and Duchess for taking the time to visit us.

1.3           Thank you also to Andrea Lewis, Regional Chief Nurse, and Kaye Wilson, Regional Chief Midwife, for visiting us recently and presenting several of our esteemed nursing colleagues with Chief Nursing Officer Silver Awards. Read further details about each individual’s contribution to nursing.

2.0           Outstanding care

2.1           Key performance data up to the month of October are presented in the Integrated Performance Report with supporting narrative. Urgent and emergency care performance has stabilised after the slight deterioration in September, and diagnostic and waiting list data continuing to head in the right direction. Our cancer performance in certain measures is challenged and the Board may wish to discuss this further under this item later in the Board meeting agenda. Our Healthy Communities and Great Place to Work data are all remaining somewhat stable as well this month – my thanks to colleagues across the organisation for their continued hard work that is leading to these data. Progress against delivery of our breakthrough objectives is also included, with a couple (blood pressure and bullying & harassment) continuing to be developed.

2.2           Colleagues across planned care services are continuing to improve how quickly patients can receive the treatment they are waiting for through different initiatives and improvement approaches. Earlier this month the Day Surgery Unit team at Stoke Mandeville completed their first High Intensity Theatres list, completing 33 pain procedures in a single day compared to the usual average of 20, demonstrating what can be achieved through this approach and which we are looking to roll out to other services over the coming months.

2.3           My thanks to one of our amazing labour ward coordinators, who was generous enough to allow me to observe one of her recent shifts. It was a pleasure to witness her compassionate and collaborative approach, and the recent improvements that have been made in maternity staffing levels, culture and leadership.

2.4           Scannappeal currently has a Spinal Surgery Appeal open, with the target to fundraise

£1.1m to fund three state of the art pieces of equipment. Thank you to Mr Edward Seel for sharing more about the equipment at a spinal technology showcase recently at Wycombe Hospital.

2.5           At Month 7, the Trust is reporting a £6.20m deficit position against a planned deficit position of £5.66m. This c.£0.5m difference is mainly due to £1.3m additional cost and lost income related to industrial action earlier in the year offset by £0.53m funding received in Month 6 and other run rate improvements.

3.0           Healthy communities

3.1           Our influenza and COVID-19 vaccination programme is underway, and it has been great to support our wonderful peer vaccinating team recently at Amersham, Stoke Mandeville, and Wycombe hospitals.

3.2           For the first time this year we have been delighted to support Baby Week, a national initiative aimed at supporting new parents and infants with information and practical advice. Buckinghamshire Council has worked with midwifery and health visiting colleagues, as well as local voluntary organisations, to prepare a range of activities across the county.

4.0           Great place to work

4.1           We remain indebted to the countless volunteers who support our patients and colleagues in a variety of services across the Trust and our multiple sites, and I was delighted to celebrate their commitment, generosity and contribution to the care we can provide at our most recent thank you party. It was particularly humbling to recognise some extraordinary years of service, for which we are incredibly grateful.

4.2           It was a pleasure to be able to join celebrations at the end of October to mark both Black History Month and Diwali – thank you to colleagues for organising such a fantastic event.

4.3           My thanks also to our Armed Forces Lead and chaplaincy service for once again organising three services at Stoke Mandeville, Wycombe and Amersham hospitals in recognition of Armistice Day on 11 November. These humbling events were also live- streamed so colleagues working at other sites or at home could join too.

4.4           In line with our continued efforts to work increasingly collaboratively with our local partners in health and care, it was great to observe one of the new leadership programmes the Buckinghamshire Health & Social Care Academy has started, focused on leadership in system working.

4.5           Finally, this is the last Board meeting for Karen Bonner, our Chief Nurse, who will sadly be leaving the Trust in December to take up the Chief Nurse position at NHS London. Karen joined the Trust in Spring of 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic was in its early days. An extraordinary time in healthcare, particularly for nursing, during which Karen demonstrated exceptional leadership, often taking on shifts alongside her nursing colleagues. Karen has consistently advocated for the experiences of our patients and of our global majority colleagues, bringing helpful challenge to our Board conversations. It is no wonder Karen has, together with May Parsons, Deputy Director of Quality and Patient Safety, once again been recognised in the Health Service Journal’s list of Black, Asian and minority ethnic figures who will exercise the most influence in the NHS and health policy over the next year. I am sure the Board will join me in thanking Karen, and wishing her every success.

View PDF to read appendices:

  • Appendix 1 – NHS England Letter Evolution of our operating model
  • Appendix 2 – CARE value awards
  • Appendix 3 – Executive Management Committee & Transformation Board