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Business Planning PSED Report 2023-24

The Trust’s strategy reflects the NHS Long Term Plan published in early 2019 and is aligned to the Buckinghamshire Joint Local Health and Wellbeing strategy: Healthier, Happier Lives developed by the Buckinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board.

The Buckinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board comprises of representatives from our Trust, Buckinghamshire Council, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB and voluntary and community sectors. Healthier, Happier Lives focuses on improvements throughout life so that residents start well, live well and age well. Together we are committed to improving health and social care in the long term and to reducing health inequalities for those living in areas with greater need and groups with poorer health.

As part of the new health and care integration arrangements for the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire Integrated Care System, we have worked with partners to establish a place-based partnership for Buckinghamshire. Formalising existing informal arrangements, this will assist senior leaders across health and social care to oversee and tackle key strategic issues for health and care integration in Buckinghamshire and support the delivery of the Buckinghamshire Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The place-based partnership, known as the Buckinghamshire Executive Partnership (BEP) started meeting April 2023. It is chaired by the Trust’s Chief Executive Officer with representatives from Buckinghamshire Council, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (which provides mental health services in Buckinghamshire), Buckinghamshire General Practice Provide Alliance and the voluntary sector. The role of the BEP is to look at things that can only be achieved if all partners collaborate and work closer together. One of the three priorities for 2023/24 was tackling health inequalities experiences by those from social deprived areas and ethnic minority groups in.

Each year the Trust undertakes annual business planning to set the priorities for the year ahead. This takes account of national requirements, our Trust Strategy and the requirements of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Integrated Care System (ICS).

A key part of business planning is the agreement of our ‘areas of focus’ for the year ahead – these are a small set of organisation-wide priorities which are understood and owned by everyone. They provide a shared focus around which to energise teams to drive improvements and support the achievement of our medium-term goals. These ‘areas of focus’ for 2023/24 are set out in this report.

Please view PDF for full report