Speech and language therapy: an explanation for children and young people
Speech and language therapy in school – what to expect
We’ll introduce ourselves and explain why we have come to see you. We’ll then ask how you feel about your speech, language and social skills, what you’re good at and anything you’d like help with.
Together, we’ll help you by:
- setting some targets and helping you to reflect on your progress
- carrying out tests to review your communication skills
- doing some speaking and listening activities, either in the classroom, in groups or on a 1-to-1 basis
- giving you advice and support
- providing training to your family and school.
We’ll also talk to your teacher and any other adults that work with you.
We may join one of your lessons and explain to your teacher how they can change lessons to help you learn.
After the visit, our therapist will talk to your parent/guardian and school staff so that they know how the visit went. Together, we’ll decide what should happen next.