Neonatal unit introduces a virtual 3D tour so families can virtually ‘walk the ward’

Date: 11/10/2024 | Category: News 2024

The Trust neonatal service has created a 3D tour experience of its neonatal wards. Developed to offer reassurance for families, the virtual tour can be viewed on any digital device and has been co-produced with parent involvement.

Families can virtually ‘walk the ward’ by self-navigating or can click on the play button for an easy 3D tour experience. Information tags have been added to explain the different areas of the neonatal unit and the equipment, so families can familiarise themselves with the clinical area and gain valuable information about their stay.

View the 3D tour of the neonatal unit at Stoke Mandeville Hospital

Neonatal 3D tour - still from video

The 3D tour has been created thanks to the Thames Valley & Wessex Neonatal network who set up and funded the project.

Gaynor Tyler, Neonatal Unit Matron at the Trust said: “Having a baby is an emotional time, and even more so if your baby needs neonatal care. It’s great that parents are able to prepare themselves and learn more about their surroundings and the equipment our neonatal team uses.”

Carrie Davies Bateman, Local Care Coordinator for Thames Valley & Wessex Neonatal network said: “Virtual tours of the 14 neonatal units in Thames Valley & Wessex Neonatal operational delivery network are well underway, we are pleased to have launched the Stoke Mandeville Neonatal Unit tour. Interactive and informative, the aim is to support families through their neonatal journey giving them an opportunity to virtually ‘walk the ward’.”


Note from the Thames Valley & Wessex Neonatal network:

If you are a parent or carer and wish to use the virtual tours created by Thames Valley & Wessex Neonatal Network to explore the neonatal unit where your baby was cared for, please make sure you are in a safe space and feel emotionally ready to revisit the unit. Some parents have informed the network that revisiting the unit, even years down the line, can bring back emotional memories, so please take care.