Trust one of the most improved in the country for patient satisfaction

Date: 22/08/2024 | Category: News 2024

The results of the Care Quality Commissions (CQC) 2023 inpatient survey have been published. The survey covered 63,500 patients who stayed in acute or specialist hospitals for at least one night in November last year.

The CQC highlighted eight trusts which it determined had significantly improved their scores, including Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust which improved from 7.8 to 8.1.

Commenting on the results, Karen Bonner MBE, Chief Nurse for Trust, said:

“I am very pleased that the work we have undertaken over the last year to improve the experience of our inpatients has been recognised in these results. We are committed to hearing from our patients and thank those who have responded. We have particularly shown improvement in the confidence that our patients have in our doctors and nurses. However, whilst we are comparable with other organisations, there are several areas our communities have told us we need to improve.

“These include listening to and acting on patient feedback. We still receive lower feedback from our diverse communities and will work to better reach and hear from them. Improvements we have already made include the introduction of QR codes which directly link patients to the Friends and Family Test. These will be rolled out across all patient areas by the end of the year.

“We are also continuing to look at what more we can do to ensure patients are admitted in a timely manner. For example, by working more effectively, we reduced the number of people waiting over 65 weeks on a hospital waiting list from 782 in March 2023 to 13 by the end of March 2024. And one of our key objectives for the next few years is focussing on making sure everyone referred to us is seen within a year.”