Specialist clinics
During your pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may decide you need extra care in addition to the care you get from your community midwife.
This might be because you have a pre-existing medical condition, or your doctor or midwife has concerns about your baby. They may refer you to one of our specialist clinics where you’ll get focussed care by a midwife or doctor who specialises in a specific area of pregnancy.
Our specialist antenatal clinics take place at either Stoke Mandeville or Wycombe hospitals.
Which clinic might I need to go to?
This will depend on your medical history, how you’re pregnancy progresses and the advice from your midwife or doctor. You may have developed complications during pregnancy and need regular monitoring.
Fetal medicine clinic, including multiple pregnancies and pre-term birth clinics
We’ll see you at this clinic at Stoke Mandeville hospital if we’re concerned about the health of your unborn baby. Our highly skilled, specialist doctors in the Fetal Medicine Unit (FMU) diagnose and treat complications that may happen in unborn babies.
Our FMU midwives will see you for routine care, advice and support. We also do scans, high risk screening and prenatal diagnosis.
Find out more about our fetal medicine clinics.
Maternal medicine clinics
If you have a pre-existing medical condition, for example epilepsy or heart problems, we’ll see you at either Stoke Mandeville or Wycombe hospitals.
Early pregnancy unit
You may be given an appointment to attend the Early Pregnancy Unit if you experience bleeding or pain in early pregnancy (pre 16 weeks) or because you may have had complications in the past.
Obstetric endocrinology clinics
We’ll see you in these clinics if you have diabetes or develop diabetes during your pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Our doctors and specialist diabetes midwives will also look after you if you have other endocrinological problems, for example thyroid conditions.
Clinics take place at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Wycombe Hospital.
Perinatal mental health (Red Kite) clinics
If you have current or previous mental health issues and need support, your midwife will refer you to these clinics. A doctor or perinatal mental health specialist such as our wellbeing midwife will see you at either Stoke Mandeville or Wycombe Hospital.
Day assessment unit (DAU) including outpatient induction of labour
We’ll see you at this clinic at Stoke Mandeville Hospital if you:
- need regular monitoring of you and/or your unborn baby
- plan to have the first part of labour induction at home
External cephalic version (ECV) clinic
If your unborn baby is breech (bottom first) you can try to have your baby turned at this clinic at Stoke Mandeville hospital.
Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) clinic
You’ll see a midwife who’ll discuss your previous birth and talk to you about your birth options.
Birth reflections service
Our midwives will talk you through your previous birth if it was complicated.
High risk anaesthetic clinics
An anaesthetist will discuss any previous issues you may have had that may affect you or the birth of your baby. For example, you may have had back surgery and an epidural may be more difficult to administer in labour.
Clinics take place at both Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Wycombe General Hospital.
Elective caesarean section pre-operative clinic
A midwife and an anaesthetist will see you a day or two before your planned caesarean section. Clinics take place at Stoke Mandeville hospital.